Friday, January 4, 2013

Neighbors and Wise Men

I received a complimentary copy from Booksneeze and I'm so thankful!  What a great book.  With a very honest voice the author details his fall from "grace" as he was stationed overseas as a missionary.  Who would think?  Yes, we are all alike and just because you're a missionary does not exempt you from having doubts about Who you believe and What you believe.
This is a very encouraging, thought provoking, challenging read.  I just finished this book and am planning on starting all over again to glean more!  If you are open to being challenged as to what, why and who you believe you'll enjoy this immensely.  Start the new year with some challenging thoughts and see if you don't become a better person because of them!

Voice Watermarked NT

I received a complimentary copy of this New Testament from Booksneeze.
It has been very interesting to read this version.  It brings a new take on a book that I have read many times. It is refreshing to read in a different style and phrasing that triggers new thoughts to ponder.  Unfortunately, it does not remember your last page read so I had to make a mental note of where I was for the next time I sat down to read.  Maybe this is just the sample copy problem.  It has interesting comments between verses from the authors that spark my interest from time to time.  It is an easy read compared to older versions of the New Testament.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Thanksgiving & Christmas in One

I remember as a child the long procession up to Christmas.  I had a running list taped to the hallway wall with my list of things I wanted.  Everytime I saw a commercial on TV I'd write down that item advertised.  Back then, of course, it was all about me and the stuff I wanted.  Now, this procession is completely different!

Each Christmas is different from year to year because of the company enjoyed.  For many years, as a mom, I enjoyed selecting the perfect present for each child and watching them open their packages on Christmas morning.  Planning, shopping and cooking for our feast took many hours and consumed in minutes!  I even loved the mess on Christmas day and days following where the house had bits of wrapping paper and ribbon strewn about while everyone spent time with their new gifts while lounging around for a days.

This year I feel like a kid, again.  The anticipation of seeing all my kids and grandkids all together for Thanksgiving has me beaming inside and out!  My mind is a bit scatterbrained as I try to pack my own suitcase.  I continually think of another little gift or present that I should pack for my grandkids.  I've already packed two boxes, large ones at that, full of toys and presents that I want the kids to have.  To think that the Legos that my kids spent hours playing with on the floor will now be enjoyed by the grandkids is mind boggling.  How did my kids grow up so fast?  Whose kids are they anyway?  I'm not old, but they are older!!!

I have rented a house on the Oregon coast that sleeps 14!  We're all arriving tomorrow and will be together for a whole week.  I'm sure it will be cool and rainy so that leaves us inside the house - together!!!  There's nothing better than no where to go, pajamas all day and a full pantry. 
My granddaughter Ellie's Mia once said, "Whatever Ellie wants, Ellie gets."  I fear I have that thought for all 6 of my grandchildren!  I can't wait to take them shopping and say, "Pick anything you want!"
Cookies for breakfast?  No problem.  Daddy's going to discipline you?  Not on my watch!!!  Not tired for bed yet?  "Let's read another book!" This week Grandmum rules! 

What a beautiful contrast to the importance of stuff as to the importance of family.  There is nothing better than the pleasure of cooking for a crowd, sitting around the dining room table for hours, reading storybooks at bedtime, waking up to some little eyes who's wants to play. I am so ready!  Making memories that last a lifetime is priceless. 

Thanksgiving this year will remind me, again, how thankful I am for the truly special blessings in my life and the opportunity to enjoy them all. 

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

A Costco Epiphany

It was brief, but impactful!  It was like veggie roots quickly established and hopefully growing. 
It consumed my complete view for a split second and then left a lasting impression.  Hmmmmmm.

I was traveling over the bridge to shop at Costco Saturday afternoon.  I know bad idea, but its been so long since I've shopped for groceries and so I braced myself and forged ahead.
Earlier that morning I had been listening to a very cool song, Oh Great is our God by Ghost Ship.  I first heard it at Mars Hill Church in Seattle.  I hope you download it and enjoy it as much as I do.
The song is so simple that the chorus rolls around in my head at all hours of the day and night.  What a great thing!

So, I'm traveling along the bridge with Tampa Bay on each side of me.  This is a ten mile bridge with very little interruption.  You know, that kind of drive that you can put it on "auto" and let your mind meander elsewhere?   I have this song's chorus repeating in my head over and over- Oh, Great is our God and we should worship greatly- Oh, Great is our God and we should worship greatly - Oh, Great is our God and we should worship greatly. 
Suddenly, I saw a vision of God completely taking up the "screen" before me; consuming the "screen" before me.  There was nothing left to distract me or anything of value compared to God in that "screen".  From one side of the bridge to the other.  God reigns!  God is great and all that he does is great. 
I instantly knew that I had allowed other things to take up space in that "screen".  
To see the comparison of my thoughts to this one moment put into perspective of what God wants when he says in Exodus 20:3You shall have no other gods before me.
20:4You shall not make for yourself a carved image or any likeness  of anything that is in heaven above or that is on the earth beneath or that is in the water below.
20:5 You shall not bow down to them or serve them

We all know this to be the first of the Ten Commandments.  I wonder how many, like me, thought, "I don't have an idols!" , "You won't find one cement statue in my house!" , "I don't have any pictures on my walls that I bow down to!"  But what if God said, "Do not let any thought consume your thinking other than me."  "Don't spend your timing worrying about where you're living or how you're going to pay your bills."  Actually He did say that in Luke 12:29 So do not be overly concerned about what you will eat and what you will drink, and do not worry about such things.

While I was cruising along on the Courtney Campbell bridge I was remembering how when I first moved to Florida I thought it pretty cool.  The weather was always sunny and warm.  I lived a life of luxury as a wife and mom.  The most pressing question was what was I going to make for dinner!
Now, all the children have left home and I am running and working my own business.  My hearts desire is to move West-closer to all the kids and grandchildren, but also to a cooler environment - literally and socially/culturally!  
While I was driving I caught myself whining to God how I want to move West with this song, Oh Great is our God also running through my brain.  It all came together for me in one big picture.  God is great and nothing else matters.  Wow!  God is great and nothing else matters.  Hmmmmmm. 

Words & Music by Brian Eichelberger
Oh! Great is our God! So we should worship greatly!!
No song is too loud! No orchestra too stately
To hail the majesty of our King
So lift your voices loud as we sing
Verse 2
Oh! Great is our God! So let our songs be endless!!
So awesome His ways, how could we comprehend them?
So we will make it known to our kids
And we will sing about the gracious gifts you give
We will sing your praise and pour forth your fame
We will bless your name
Let every one give thanks, because our God is great!
Verse 3
Oh! Great is our God! And we cannot contain it!
We sing from our souls, affected by His greatness
His mercy covers all that He's made
Showing His glory and His grace

Monday, August 29, 2011

I received  Bonhoeffer: Pator, Maryr, Prophet, Spy from Booksneeze so that I may provide a review.

I was so looking forward to reading this book as I have seen many reviews about it and the historical aspect piqued my curiosity.  Unfortunately, I was very disappointed in the author’s style of writing.  The book is told in 3rd person and is very dry.  This could have been an exciting non-fiction book and I do hope a movie is made that will captivate the audience as I think a well written book could have. 

The book begins with long detailed writings about Bonhoeffer’s family background and tedious details to his childhood.  I was so bogged down by the testimonies of family and friends evaluating Dietrich’s life.  A quick synopsis would have been better leading up to the actual detail of his planning and effort to assassinate Hitler.   

This is one book where a Scripts notebook would come in handy!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Book Review

I received a free book from Booksneeze to review on my Kindle. 
The book was The Water's Edge.
Why is it that life never proceeds as simply as you'd like them?  Tom Crane is the son of now deceased John Crane, esquire.  Tom plans to return home and within a few weeks wrap up his father's business.  Twists and turns happen one after another. 
This is a light read although enough to keep me interested to find out in the end what happens.  Will Tom remain in small town Bethal or return to the big city Atlanta.  With examples of trust and faith by his dad and uncle will Tom now "see" the light? 
Water's Edge ultimately is about coming full circle to deeply buried feelings and how to move forward.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Book Review

I received this free book from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their book review bloggers program.

Final Summit was a compelling fictional read that involved numerous historical characters as together they discussed the answer to one question.  With only 5 chances to find the answer before time runs out one is brought through many thoughts and ideas that all have potential. 

This is a well written and thought provoking book. A few of the historical characters include Winston Churchill, Abraham Lincoln, Joan of Arc and Eric Erickson.  I know! I never heard of him, either.
Fascinating guy, but unfortunately he was never included in our history text books.

I was completely enthralled throughout this book and had to highlight a few of the quotes they were so good.  I was also wrong with what I thought would be the final answer!   Final Summit is a quick read and quite delightful. Upon learning of the final answer I think it makes great sense and I will apply it to my own life.